One Perspective Two Perspective Three…

Everyone knows the saying, “opinions are like a**holes, everybody has got one.” However that doesn’t mean that they are all the same. Where do these opinions come from anyway? Something had to have forged the ides and morals which eventually shaped the opinions of each person. Could we say that this argument goes as far back as Nature Vs. Nurture? With each culture and their beliefs the world has many different perspectives from which they could look at.

Stuart Silverstein looks at the effects of different opinions in this article  Changing Perspectives: A New Look At Old Problems

Silverstein addresses this topic first with a story. The story goes that three blind men were asked to describe what an elephant looked like by feeling it. However each man explained something different because that is what they felt. One got the trunk, which they explained as being long and snake like. The other said it was in fact think and strong like a tree, having felt the legs. While the least explained an elephant as large and round. This story shows how important it is to gain knowledge of the whole concept, or event, before placing any judgement.

Some of the things one should look at when taking on an opinion of something is the culture and tradition behind the decisions. Some cultures see certain actions as a norm or even see them as a representation of their culture. Who are we as singular people to try to disregard what others have been raised to believe for their whole lives? Even if it is not a whole culture but a singular family maybe they have been raised with certain family traditions that other may not fully agree with.

Keeping an open mind to other perspectives of the world not only leads you to a better understanding of the world but also leads to a better experience with the world. It’s like having only a small circle of friends. You can trust them all and do your normal activities but you’ll be doing the same activities that you always do. Whereas if you have a larger group of friends you can always be doing something new and exciting and learn new things along the way. If you open your mind to the world the world will open its mind to you.

Have you ever been stuck on a problem and couldn’t figure a way out? How were you looking at it? Giving a different viewpoint of issues allows the mind to literally create a connection llowing you to see the issues in a larger scope and be capable of solving it. Almost like taking the dead ends away on a maze and making it easier to find your way out.

Long story short, how do you look at the world? Do you keep an open mind or do you only keep to the things that you know? Always remember, the first thought through your head is what you’ve been trained to think by society, the second is what you truly think for yourself.

One thought on “One Perspective Two Perspective Three…

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