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Child Poverty

Poverty is most commonly associated with adults, however poverty causes greater stress on the building blocks of a child’s life. When discussing the issues of poverty, it is common that adults and what they are doing is what is discussed yet the children and the effects on the children are overlooked. One in five children live in poverty, which translates into fourteen million children throughout the United States. Throughout this post I will talk about the effects of child poverty on their emotional, physical, and mental well being, as well as the misconceptions our society has on impoverished people, Why they remain impoverished and the struggles they face when trying to overcome the challenges of being impoverished is one topic that is important to consider. No one deserves to live in poverty struggling to get by, yet we see it everywhere we go.


The poverty threshold is what the government decides is the minimum amount of money a family can live on for a year.  For 2016 the  Poverty Threshold for a household of two is $16,020 and for each additional member of the household you would add $4.160. This is based off of a minimalist lifestyle which does not include emergency money or expenses that may include things such as glasses, car payments, gas, charges that parents have to pay to schools, or other small costs that seem like everyday expenses. Nor does this poverty threshold allow for someone to be capable of saving money for emergencies or personal expenses. Income Poverty is when a family’s income fails to meet the federally established minimum which will cover a family’s cost of living. There is also Extreme Poverty wherein a person lives on $1.90 a day. This is most commonly seen in third-world countries, yet over 702 million people live in extreme poverty each year.


The issue with the poverty threshold is that it isn’t a realistic amount for any person to live on, the author Jillian Berman says  “I don’t think anyone gets any sense of economic security from living at that line, it’s a measure of absolute deprivation” (Berman). There is a calculator known as the EPI Calculator  (Economic Policy Institute calculator) which calculates for regional cost of housing, child care, health care, clothing, transportation, and other basic needs. All of these things are calculated on a regional level allowing someone to know the minimum they would have to make annually in order to live in a certain area. According to this calculator the cheapest city in America to live in would be Simpson County Mississippi, and in this county for two parents and one child it would cost an average of $44,617 a year. This is double what the national poverty threshold says is a livable salary, and it is reportedly the cheapest city in the United States. So what does that say about those living at the poverty threshold anywhere else and how on earth are we expecting people to survive on less than half of what is actually necessary for survival.


When allowing families to survive in these conditions we are putting the children in these families at risk for: inadequate nutrition, fewer learning experiences, instability in residences, exposure to environmental toxins, family violence caused by stress, dangerous neighborhoods along with less access to friends and health services. All of these things will follow these children into their later lives. There have been hundreds of studies which follow the effects of poverty on children and how these effects follow children into their later lives, including inabilities to produce relationships with others and emotional well being and self care. These are things that children should not have to experience or deal with. Allowing families to live in poverty is allowing the future of our country to be held back by issues developed by a corrupt understanding of survival.


The physical health of impoverished children suffers due to many factors. Their environments are more likely to be contaminated with toxins, One of the most dangerous toxins is lead which is found in old houses that were built before it was discovered lead was toxic. The paint chips containing lead  taste almost sweet making it common for toddlers to chew on and eat the paint that chips off of the walls. Lead is also found in old piping putting the lead into the water in the homes allowing them to ingest and bathe in the toxin slowly poisoning their systems. The owners of these homes, whether it be landlords or the family itself, are less likely to take care of these issues simply because they cannot afford to. Landlords may avoid the issue of removing sources of lead if they are not forced to by the government or local authorities and these families cannot afford to move to different homes so they are left to deal with the issue however they can. Lead effects the nervous system and if exposed in early childhood lead hinders neurological development causing Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and other neurological disorders. In a high enough dose, or through long enough exposure to lead, it will eventually lead to death.


Other ways that a child’s physical health can be compromised is through malnutrition. It’s hard to get all of the necessary nutrients into a child’s diet when food is barely affordable.  Childhood years are important for physical and mental development and much of these have to do with having a diet that fulfills their needs and allows for their body and mind to grow. Lacking nutrients in the diet overall weakens the immune system opening children up to thing such as weight loss, gastrointestinal infections, poor brain development memory deficiency and reduced problem solving skills. If a family cannot afford health care then the child’s physical ailments may  never get the chance to be noticed and treated.


Weight loss affects children in the way that their bodies no longer have stored energy, children need to have fat because it provides an extra source of energy. While an excessive amount is not good for children too low an amount of fat is also not good for body and brain development. Not enough body fat can stunt bone growth halting the children’s potential to grow to the height and build they are meant to be. Brain development when undernourished can also be stunted causing children to develop Attention Deficit Disorder, a decreased intelligence quotient (IQ), memory deficiency and poor problem solving skills. These things happen during malnutrition because  the body is so busy directing its limited amounts of energy to involuntary bodily functions that there is no extra energy left to power the brain. Our bodies need large amounts of energy to function and when not all of the energy is available the body uses the energy for the functions that our bodies cannot work without.

Gastrointestinal infections are highly dangerous for children because depending on the type of infection their bodies could not be allowing them to absorb nutrients. There are cells in the large and small intestine that absorb nutrients as they are digested, but gastrointestinal infections stop this process. So that even if the child started to get fully nourished they still would lack vitamins due to their body not being capable of absorbing them.


The mental health of these children is one of the most important things to bring to the attention of the communities and regions where poverty is seen. It has been seen study after study that impoverished children suffer more frequently from behavioral problems. Behavioral problems can be classified in two different dimensions: externalizing behavior and internalizing behaviors.  Externalizing Behaviors are shown through harming others rather than the self. Internalizing behaviors are actions that direct problematic energy toward the self. In other words, a person who shows internalizing behaviors does things that harm himself as opposed to lashing out at others”(Fraser). These actions could include: eating disorders, depression, cutting, substance abuse, even an inability to form relationships with others.


Parents may have one child who relies on externalizing behaviors to cope and another who relies on internalizing behaviors. While the child who chooses to externalize their emotions may be considered the problem child both children need help and intervention before they harm themselves or others. Dealing with emotions by either harming oneself, or another person, isn’t how problems should be dealt with. However, children are incapable of knowing other ways to express how they are feeling. This leaves them to be labeled as either depressed, a loner,  bully, or trouble starter. The issue of these children’s mental health is important because they can receive help for physical ailments and find ways of coping with stress. But once a child gets into the habit of externalizing or internalizing their feelings, and behaviors, they become accustomed to dealing with situations using these methods. Neither of these behaviors lead to good results either way, the children are going to be stuck with actions that only lead them deeper into trouble and self harm. Habits are like addictions in the way that a person or child goes back to what they know, whether it’s holding emotions and issues in until they are physically sick from stress, or releasing anger and frustrations on themselves or others. Either way children do not deserve to suffer these consequences. If our systems cannot help the children to be comfortable in their homes then we should at least get them help and support to cope with the issues that they face at home.


Misconceptions of poverty 

Many people, when thinking of those living in poverty, will say things like, “Why don’t they get another job?” In most cases it’s not that families in poverty don’t have one or both parents working but that they are simply not making enough to cover family expenses. The cost of living has gone up and the minimum wage has yet to be brought up to make it a liveable wage. “In order to be able to afford to live anywhere in the country, workers have to be making more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, according to EPI. There’s nowhere in America where two parents earning the federal minimum wage, which amounts to about $30,000 per year collectively, can make enough to support a family of three or four .“ (Berman). In other cases one or both of the parents are not working due to a physical inability or because there is no companies around them hiring for new work. The Social Work Degree Center writes“In 2008, 64% of those in poverty were unable to work due to being too young or too old, due to a disability of some kind, or because they simply could not find a job” (SWDC). It is not that people living in poverty are lazy and want to be in their situations. It is an unfortunate set of circumstances that over half of American’s have faced at one point in their life. It’s just that for some they were given opportunities and helped along the way while others are continually forced to live in poverty

Much of the impoverished community consists of the homeless, and while people judge the homeless calling them lazy and incapable they fail to think of the reasons that many people are homeless. In 2009 the National Coalition For the Homeless (NCH) reported that 50% of homeless women ran away from domestic violence with no one to support them after they had gotten away. There are over 67 thousand homeless veterans on the streets of America who are homeless due to mental and physical injuries they sustained protecting our country. Almost half of the homeless teenagers have run away from home or been kicked out of their homes due to being gay, lesbian or bisexual.It is not that the homeless want to be living on the streets but how is someone who was forced out of their home, for whatever reason it might be, supposed to find a job when they have nowhere to go at night to clean themselves up in order to be clean and presentable for work the next day. The bias placed on these people puts them into a catch-22 situation that is nearly impossible for them to get out of.
Poverty has more effects than just not being able to afford food or bills all of the time. It has physical, mental, and emotional tolls that can be severe and lifelong. Poverty has affected over half of the populations of the United States at some point in their life yet many people’s understanding of poverty is summed up as people who are too lazy to work and take from the government. While in some cases this statement may be true it is not nearly as common as people think that it is. Poverty is an issue in the United States and it has not been going anywhere for the past fifty years. It’s time that people gained an understanding and compassion for the struggles families and children go through rather than simply writing it off as laziness.


Works Cited

Goldblum, Joanne. “3 Things We Need to Stop Saying About Poverty.” The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“About NCCP.” NCCP. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“Ready for the Wage Floor? Making a Success of the National Living Wage.”Resolution Foundaiton. N.p., n.d. Web.

“Affidavit of Support.” SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

Berman, Jillian. “Federal Poverty Line Doesn’t Adequately Reflect Cost Of Living In America, Analysis Finds.” The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“The Psychological Effects of Poverty on Children.” PsycEXTRA Dataset(n.d.): n. pag. Web.

“Poverty Guidelines.” ASPE. N.p., 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 05 May 2016.

“Environmental Health and Medicine Education.” Lead (Pb) Toxicity: What Are the Physiologic Effects of Lead Exposure? N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

Bosse, Jennifer. “I’m Grateful for Nothing.” The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“What Do Externalizing Behaviors Look Like in Tweens and Teens?”Verywell. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“What Do Internalizing Behaviors Look Like in Tweens?” Verywell. Rebecca Fraser Thill, n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“U.S. Adults Face Near-poverty, Unemployment.” CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“10 Common Misconceptions About the Poor – Social Work Degree Center.”Social Work Degree Center. Social Work Degree Center, n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

“Effects of Malnutrition on Children.” LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 03 Nov. 2013. Web. 05 May 2016.

“Impact of Malnutrition on Health and Development.” Impact of Malnutrition on Health and Development. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

Technology Vs. Curriculum

In today’s society it’s difficult to find someone that isn’t plugged into the electronic world in one way or another. It seems to be almost taking over our society. Google has every piece of information we should ever need and our friends are seconds away with all the ways we now have to get ahold of each other. One of the few things that have been slow to come along with the new age is school curriculum. Students attention spans are becoming smaller and they can no longer sit in lectures or do hours of homework every night. So the next question is what are we going to do to accommodate to the needs of our students and future leaders of America?

In the classroom today students sit down and are immediately hit with information. Numbers, formulas, directions, codes, all kinds of information that is supposed to stay in their heads somehow along with the rest of their five to eight other classes. If they’re lucky their teacher has a hands on activity to help solidify the information they’ve been given which will include some type of symbol that represents all of the information they just absorbed. Followed the next day, or maybe even weeks later, with a test to prove they were listening and absorbing the information correctly.

Now this is the way that we have always taught our students so why is it all of a sudden wrong? The even better question is was this the right way to teach our students in the first place? The rise of technology has simply informed us that given the sources people, and especially children, will teach themselves anything given the time and resources. We as a people want to learn and expand our knowledge but when the information is laid in front of us we lose interest in searching for answers because they are already in front of us. Not only that but throughout a  revolving world the curriculum has stayed the same whereas the people and their interests have changed. Children today learn to use an IPad before they even learn to read. It’s inevitable that these children are going to be so used to teaching themselves that when it comes to a teacher they may not know how to take the information that is being given to them. They not only have to learn the curriculum but they have to learn how to be taught by someone else.

The rise of technology has come with the challenge of creating an engaging classroom. This also comes with the challenge of incorporating technologies in the right ways for children so that they can still independently learn but within their curriculum. The future is in the hands of our students and if we cannot find the best way to educate them then we will suffer and so will they. The technological world is demanding that we adapt for the benefit of future America.

The Good and the Bad

This weekend I was given the opportunity to be capable of spending some quality time with my family. It’s been a while since I was capable of seeing them and they were excited to take me out to dinner. I can honestly say I was excited to have a meal that didn’t taste like it came out of a plastic bag. Not to mention I’m a broke college student and I was getting fed for free.

The general consensus was that we would go to Texas Road House, a steakhouse known for it’s fun atmosphere and great food. We were not disappointed. The food was just as good as we had been told and the service was even better. Our waiter seemed to know what we needed before we even needed it and we didn’t wit long for anything. Appetizers were out in what seemed like minutes and our drink glasses were never empty.

However even after all of this good I can’t seem to get over one thing that makes me almost never want to go back. Anytime the one song the Cotton Eye Joe (maybe another song? I’m not entirely sure what the name was)came on  the woman servers had to stop what they were doing and dance for the whole song. My question on this is why did only the woman servers have to stop what they were doing to entertain? Even better what made what they were supposed to be doing in those few minutes even less important than what the male servers were supposed to be doing? Men can dance too it’s obvious that they were trained to do the same moves so why couldn’t all of the servers be trained.

Singling out woman because there is more appeal to them than men is wrong and in today’s society you would think we had progressed enough not to have to use woman as objects to get more customers.

Research Paper Topic

For my research paper I’m going to write about the issues of child poverty. When we think of those who live in poverty we think of the adults and the things they do, or don’t do to get themselves into these kinds of situations and how they get themselves out. The things that we do not think about is how the children of these people are affected. Why do most people not think about the children affected by the poverty of their parents.

For All of the Procrastinators Out There

Everyone wants to know the secrets to writing a research paper. The tips and tricks, and most importantly how can you write one in the shortest time possible. Well for those procrastinators out there there happen to be a few tips and tricks that you can use that will save you time, confusion, and hopefully some hairs. Some things you can do to save time are no brainers yet we decide to skimp on them anyway. Sorry to say but sometimes skipping steps means sacrificing points off of your grade. And trust me none of us want that. So in the end when you finally do decide to buckle down and write that paper keep some of these tricks in mind.

Now we have to most important thing to talk about, which is the subject. It’s going to have to be something that you can talk about for copious amounts of time and words. So that means if you have a special talent to talk about the the history of potato chips or hours, then you should go ahead and write your paper on that right away. Just do everyone that has to read this paper a favor, don’t write about something you’re not interested in if you can help it. Your paper will reflect your interests and the more interested you are in the subject you choose the easier the paper will be to write.

Your thesis is going to be important because your paper will revolve around this point. A thesis is going to tell your reader what to expect while reading. It is going to be an interpretation of a question or subject but not the subject itself, and it will offer a way for the reader to understand the topic that you choose. The thesis should be a claim that readers may not agree with making them question what they know and presents the argument you are going to make during your essay. Take time to create your thesis this way you will be able to have a copious amount of ways to construct your essay.

Second most important thing is the outline. Trust me when I say that outlines will save your life and the life of anyone that happens upon you during your time of writing. Not only will your paper be more uniform but you can stop yourself from wondering if you’ve already talked about a certain subject before by having the map out in front of you. Even though it’s an extra step in the long run you will save copious amounts of time because you’ve now eliminated the question of “what should I write about next?” Not only will it make your paper easier to write but it will also mean you have to make less corrections when you finish the first draft. Sounds great right?

Outlines are great in the way that if you have a ten page paper you can split the ten pager into several different smaller papers with subjects that coincide with the main topic. This makes it easier when writing the paper because sitting down to write one ten page paper is daunting, while sitting to write several two or three page papers makes it easier to confront and finish.

When starting on your paper make sure that you give yourself time. In order to give yourself enough time for research, organisation and actually putting the paper together you would ideally need about a month in advance. However, for those of you like me, you could do this in a week. Try your hardest to give yourself more than that thought because in order to get good information that you can check credibility on, and sourcing your quotes will take time. More importantly the more time you give yourself the less that you will have to stress about when the due date gets closer and closer.

Your notes are going to be important so make sure that they’re organised and easily understandable. A good way to organize your notes is to color code them. This way you’ll know where you want to use them and it will save you looking through pages and pages of notes for that one fact. Another good habit to get into is putting the citations next to each new source this way citing will be easier and when you do your bibliography you’ll be ahead of the game.

Don’t forget that you should always have a first draft and a second draft. This will allow you to weed through anything that is excessive information and add to subjects you didn’t touch enough on during the first draft. Each draft of your paper you have will improve it more and more so if you’re on your third draft yet you feel like it still needs improvement just go through it again. In between each draft give yourself some time away from your work so that you can come back to it with a fresh perspective.

Your final words on the paper should sum up the point that you were trying to make. Don’t summarize your whole paper just make your final point an take the time to make your last point or two answering your thesis statement and making the answer clear and understandable. This is an important paragraph because all the statements you made throughout the paper will come to  a close. It’s hard to balance between making it into a summary of the whole essay and summing up your point so give yourself some time to plan out what you want to say and how you want to say it.

I hope you find these steps useful I know they helped me out when I was writing my paper and allowed me to be more confident in what I was writing. The confidence will show throughout your paper and readers will be able to remain interested throughout.


Standing Behind Planned Parenthood

This Page shows the Ways that certain groups attack Planned Parenthood while trying to discredit them, their goals and how they do things. Seeing the ways that Planned Parenthood is attacked is heartbreaking, for those of us who know what they do and those who have received treatment from them. Planned Parenthood was started as a way for women to be capable of controlling some small part of their lives in a world where they and their opinions were overlooked. In the long run Planned Parenthood became a place more than just giving women birth control. Now they help women, young girls and even men and young boys.

Many of the arguments that you might hear about planned parenthood is that they are all for giving abortions. I am happy to be capable of informing you that that is in fact, incorrect. In the bigger picture you will see that only three-percent of their services are in fact used for abortion. Their other services include

  • STI Testing
  • Contraceptives
  • Emergency Contraceptive kits (Plan B/Morning after pill)
  • Female sterilization
  • Vasectomies
  • HPV Vaccinations
  • Breast exams
  • colonoscopies
  • Cryotherapy
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Prenatal Services
  • Abortions
  • Family Practice Services
  • Adoption Services
  • UTI Treatments

Even with all of these good things that they are doing those who work with, or at, Planned Parenthood receive hate for one of the things that they do less than most things. This is because many people are unknown to all of the many aspects of planned parenthood.

The history of planned parenthood started when women in the lower class had no access to birth control. This was an issue because these families couldn’t afford to continue adding to the family. It was becoming an issue of poverty where families can’t support themselves due to the fact that there are too many children to support. Margaret Sanger started planned parenthood in hopes of helping families and women have a choice in when they would have children. Allowing them to decide when and if they wanted children. This was such a national issue that Nixon supported it and helped to expand Planned Parenthood to a national level. Eventually Planned Parenthood developed into what it is now where people can become educated about STI’s, what it takes to be a parent and many other services that are listed above.

It wasn’t until about 1978 that Planned Parenthood came under attack by those that did not believe that women should have the right to choose when they have a baby or if they get the ability to choose abortion. Since then Planned Parenthood has been facing both physical and legal attacks. Clinics used to fear bombings, assassinations of clinic presidents and even anthrax scares.

The question here is why did something that started out as women having a right over their bodies and welfare of their home life turn into a hatred for everything that they did. People forget the origination of planned parenthood and the reasons that it was started. It’s time to remind the public that this organisation isn’t about taking lives but helping to better the lives of those that need the help and direction that is provided.

One Perspective Two Perspective Three…

Everyone knows the saying, “opinions are like a**holes, everybody has got one.” However that doesn’t mean that they are all the same. Where do these opinions come from anyway? Something had to have forged the ides and morals which eventually shaped the opinions of each person. Could we say that this argument goes as far back as Nature Vs. Nurture? With each culture and their beliefs the world has many different perspectives from which they could look at.

Stuart Silverstein looks at the effects of different opinions in this article  Changing Perspectives: A New Look At Old Problems

Silverstein addresses this topic first with a story. The story goes that three blind men were asked to describe what an elephant looked like by feeling it. However each man explained something different because that is what they felt. One got the trunk, which they explained as being long and snake like. The other said it was in fact think and strong like a tree, having felt the legs. While the least explained an elephant as large and round. This story shows how important it is to gain knowledge of the whole concept, or event, before placing any judgement.

Some of the things one should look at when taking on an opinion of something is the culture and tradition behind the decisions. Some cultures see certain actions as a norm or even see them as a representation of their culture. Who are we as singular people to try to disregard what others have been raised to believe for their whole lives? Even if it is not a whole culture but a singular family maybe they have been raised with certain family traditions that other may not fully agree with.

Keeping an open mind to other perspectives of the world not only leads you to a better understanding of the world but also leads to a better experience with the world. It’s like having only a small circle of friends. You can trust them all and do your normal activities but you’ll be doing the same activities that you always do. Whereas if you have a larger group of friends you can always be doing something new and exciting and learn new things along the way. If you open your mind to the world the world will open its mind to you.

Have you ever been stuck on a problem and couldn’t figure a way out? How were you looking at it? Giving a different viewpoint of issues allows the mind to literally create a connection llowing you to see the issues in a larger scope and be capable of solving it. Almost like taking the dead ends away on a maze and making it easier to find your way out.

Long story short, how do you look at the world? Do you keep an open mind or do you only keep to the things that you know? Always remember, the first thought through your head is what you’ve been trained to think by society, the second is what you truly think for yourself.